Having spent over 15 years supporting families, children & young people, which has lead naturally into my private counselling practice, I feel passionate about using natural therapies recognising the value these have to offer in supporting all fields of mental health and well-being which include:
· Trauma Support (both past and present)
· Emotional fatigue & work related stress
· Social Anxiety
· General Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
· Depression
· Loss and Bereavement
· Relationship breakdown
· Confidence and self-esteem issues
· Low mood
My passion is with Natural World Therapies and having the scientific evidence supporting the benefits of these mediums feel they offer a sustainable therapeutic approach which not only brings about positive impact on mental health but also provides a positive physical health impact too.
As a Natural World Therapist it is a privilege to be able to support people coming from all walks of life suffering from life trauma’s; challenge’s and experiences using therapies that provide a calm and grounding opportunity in an environment which helps to process thoughts and feelings and thus empower an individual to become the best version of themselves that they can be.
The pages on this web site explains the types of therapy available and will help you to decide if this feels like the right support for you.
Remember this is your personal journey and as such a very private as well as a potentially emotional one; It is important you find the right therapist and therapy for you and it IS OK to want to be sure this is right for you; I am happy to talk through any concerns you may have and for you to ask any questions that you need to in order for you to make your choice in this part of your life journey.
It’s YOUR choice; it’s YOUR journey & it’s also OK if this isn’t right for you but if you feel this is what you want for your therapeutic journey then I would be honoured to hear from you.
As an advanced clay practitioner it never ceases to amaze me the power this natural ‘Earthy’ material can provide.
Using our hands for clay provides a tactile contact which is a very primal method of expression; it is the first form of communication we learn when we are born.
If you have experienced trauma then you may find it hard to make sense of, and process, what you have been through, clay can be a really effective therapy as no words are needed, the hands can become the voice of expression.
When life is full of anxiety and stress, the grounding touch of clay can bring a state of calm in the mind and the opportunity to express through this medium can help re-balance life and help lower levels of stress and anxiety being experienced.
Studies in mental health have recognised the therapeutic potential and impact of the use of clay for those suffering with depression. Self-expression through the art form of clay can help lower cortisol levels and bring about a sense of calmness and help you to find an inner peace.
Clay activities can be indoors or outdoors. The opportunity of participating in this outside in nature can greatly add to the therapeutic experience.
Therapy in nature provides the opportunity for all our senses to come alive. This grounding & calming activity supports the healing process by allowing chance to process and understand what we are going through and experiencing. It helps unlock the blocks that prevent moving forward and opens the way ahead for a happier life.
Nature therapy works by utilizing the nature’s settings to supporting healing.
It engages all of the senses which support:
· Elevated mood
· Reduction in anxiety & depression
· Reduced levels of chronic stress
· Helps combat emotional fatigue
· Reduces work related stress
· An improvement in concentration levels are also seen in children and young people with ADHD when time is spent in nature
Science has proven that being in nature or even viewing scenes of nature, reduces anger, fear, and stress and increases pleasant feelings.
Research has shown the positive impact of nature on general wellbeing and one study carried out by ‘Mind’ showed that 95% of those interviewed said their mood improved after spending time outside, changing from depressed, stressed, and anxious to more calm and balanced.
Other studies show that time in nature or scenes of nature are associated with a positive mood, and psychological wellbeing, meaningfulness, and vitality.
Exposure to nature not only makes you feel better emotionally, it contributes to your physical wellbeing, reducing blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and the production of stress hormones.
The added bonus is the physical exercise involved in moving through nature which improves physical health too!
Sandplay therapy is a non-verbal and non-directive therapy which uses the power of the sub-conscious to explore; express and process what is or has been experienced in a safe environment.
Sandplay is suitable for all ages from child to adult, for all abilities and cultures.
It’s an effective therapy for a wide range of difficulties including:
· Unresolved trauma
· Attachment disorders
· Emotional difficulties
It aids self-healing through the use of images and symbols which are the language of the unconscious.